Saturday, September 28, 2013

Space release problem in OS level while Dropping Temporary Tablespace

Today I have faced one new problem which I would like to share to you all.

In one of my production database, the temporary tablespace is defined as autoextend on, max size is unlimited. Suddenly I got a mail with below error.

ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP

Then I have checked total temporary tablespace usage, i.e  32GB, because I used Smallfile Tablespace (default) which is limited to 32GB Max size. Now I created new temporary tablespace (TEMP01), make it as a default and crosschecked and confirmed all the users the default TEMPORARY TABLESPACE changed to TEMP01. Altered old temporary tablespace(TEMP) availability to OFFLINE.

In non business hours I dropped old TEMP tablespace (TEMP) logically. When I checked in OS level the space not got released.

I thought "Some process has been locked that tempfile at OS level", then I followed below steps to release space from OS level.

1) First I find what process ID has locked that tempfile using '/usr/sbin/lsof' command.

   $ /usr/sbin/lsof
      Then I have seen so many OS locked files, there I found below tempfile related processes.
  Output:  oracle    17709 oracle   53u      REG              104,9 4047511552    920075 /Oracle/oradata/PRODDB/TEMP01.DBF (deleted)
                oracle    17709 oracle   54u      REG              104,9 4047511552    920075 /Oracle/oradata/PRODDB/TEMP01.DBF (deleted)

 2) Next I checked which background process has been locked that processID, There I found the background process is "JXXX" (Some Job), then I simply killed that session.

      $ ps -ef|grep 17709

      Output:  oracle   17709     1  3 Jan13 ?        3-15:42:12 ora_j000_PRODDB

      $ kill -9 17709

Now space got released from OS level. 

Hope this will help you... :)

Best Regards,

1 comment:

  1. The solution for the space release problem at the OS level is highly recommended.
    Trevel Apps Best The step-by-step approach and clear explanations make it easy for administrators to tackle this greatly.


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