Following query will helps you to find the history of concurrent programs run in your EBS environment.
You should connect to 'apps' user for executing this query and query will prompt for "NO_OF_DAYS" and "USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME".
NO_OF_DAYS => "Enter Number of Days for History: ";
USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME => "Enter User Concurrent Program Name: ";
Hope this query helps you. Thanks :-)
You should connect to 'apps' user for executing this query and query will prompt for "NO_OF_DAYS" and "USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME".
NO_OF_DAYS => "Enter Number of Days for History: ";
USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME => "Enter User Concurrent Program Name: ";
-- Query To Check Concurrent Program Run History set pages 100 linesize 200 col Parameters for a20 col "Conc Program Name" for a30 col "Started at" for a20 col "Completed at" for a20 col "Username" for a10 SELECT distinct ft.user_concurrent_program_name "Conc Program Name", fr.REQUEST_ID "Request ID", to_char(fr.ACTUAL_START_DATE,'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') "Started at", to_char(fr.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') "Completed at", decode(fr.PHASE_CODE,'C','Completed','I','Inactive','P','Pending','R','Running','NA') "Phasecode", decode(fr.STATUS_CODE, 'A','Waiting', 'B','Resuming', 'C','Normal', 'D','Cancelled', 'E','Error', 'F','Scheduled', 'G','Warning', 'H','On Hold', 'I','Normal', 'M', 'No Manager', 'Q','Standby', 'R','Normal', 'S','Suspended', 'T','Terminating', 'U','Disabled', 'W','Paused', 'X','Terminated', 'Z','Waiting') "Status",fr.argument_text "Parameters", fu.user_name "Username", round(((nvl(fv.actual_completion_date,sysdate)-fv.actual_start_date)*24*60),2) "ElapsedTime(Mins)" FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fr , apps.fnd_concurrent_programs fp , apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl ft, apps.fnd_user fu, apps.fnd_conc_req_summary_v fv WHERE fr.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID = fp.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID AND fr.actual_start_date >= (sysdate - &NUMBER_OF_DAYS) AND fr.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID = fp.APPLICATION_ID AND ft.concurrent_program_id=fr.concurrent_program_id AND fr.REQUESTED_BY=fu.user_id AND fv.request_id=fr.request_id and ft.user_concurrent_program_name like '&USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME' order by to_char(fr.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'dd-MON-yy hh24:mi:ss') desc;
Hope this query helps you. Thanks :-)
Thanks, works like a charm!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this amazing query. It saves our lot of time